
Eyelash Care Collection

Enhance your eyelash care with our gentle and high-quality eyelash care products.



Hidden brows & 
YUMI brows

HiddenBrows-palvelussa kulmat muotoillaan peittävällä väri-aineella ja ammattimaisella vaalennustekniikalla, jolloin kulmakarvoja ei poisteta lainkaan. Tämä tekee palvelusta täydellisen valinnan heille, jotka haluavat kasvattaa kulmakarvojaan rauhassa tai eivät halua nyppiä lainkaan. HiddenBrows mahdollistaa kauniin ja huolitellun kulmamuodon saavuttamisen luonnollisella ja hellävaraisella tavalla.

Varaa Nyt

Lahjakortit ja ripsienhoitotuotteet

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Featured Courses

We offer professional eyelash extension training, where we invest in the careful preparation of future eyelash techniques. As nurses, the health and safety of our customers are of primary importance to us, and we emphasize this value in our training through safety and hygiene. We offer small group trainings that support an optimal study environment. If you want to build a career in the beauty industry and learn the art of eyelash extensions, Fahriamo is the perfect choice for you.

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Featured Courses

We offer professional eyelash extension training, where we invest in the careful preparation of future eyelash techniques. As nurses, the health and safety of our customers are of primary importance to us, and we emphasize this value in our training through safety and hygiene. We offer small group trainings that support an optimal study environment. If you want to build a career in the beauty industry and learn the art of eyelash extensions, Fahriamo is the perfect choice for you.